Wound Ostomy Department - Providence St Joseph Medical Center

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

 June 2021 Wound and Ostomy Journal

Use of breathable silicone technology in an ostomy appliance flange

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  1. This type of appliance does have very positive initial feedback. The appearance of the skin after use does seem healthier with less MASD. The patients overall also seems to report a positive experience. This is obviously could be a breakthrough in ostomy care, providing greater freedom and confidence for patients.
    Since this study was overwhelmingly based on patient's subjective narrative reporting, which definitely limits it application at this point. It also has a very small sample size (100 patients from 2 practitioners at the same clinic). It would need to be studied with a much larger population over a longer course and hopefully a most standardized way of reporting could be developed. But, there seems to be potential in this type of ostomy.
    Emily Puerta (4NORTH)

  2. The sample size for this particular study mainly consisted of 30 established ileostamates and colostomates who met the inclusion criteria of having healthy peristomal skin or only mild irritation. This study's main limitation is that the feedback was through the patient's own subjective judgement. We cannot assume that one or a few patient's feedback will be applicable to everyone who will use this product. This can also be said for having the feedback from only two nurse specialists. Having said that, this appliance does appear to have positive feedback and results with this small group as one reported the ease of application compared with traditional methods and the lack of leaking in comparison. The positive feedback reported by the two nurse specialists, although a limited sample size, could be of note for practical application on my unit where MASD and other skin issues are of higher risk due to stroke patients possibly having decreased sensation and/or lack of strength to reposition themselves.
    Kevin Zosa (4North)

  3. Discuss the Sample Size used in this study.
    This study sample size was based on 30 established ileostatmates and colstomates who met the required criteria for having healthy peri-stoma skin or mild irritation.

    Discuss the limitation of this article: Limited sample size, design flaws, and/ or author basis.
    The limitation of this study was the feedback was through a patients own subjective narrative. Which will put a limit on its own application at this point, also the sample size was very limited, as it was based on 100 patients from only 2 practitioners within the same clinic. For this study to be more consistent, it would need a larger patient population to get a more standardized report

    Zhuoran (Nancy) Gong , 4N

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Discuss the sample size used in this study.
    This study gathered its data from 30 subjects that use ileostatmates, and colostomates, who meet the requirments needed to participate within this study. The Criteria either having a healthy peristoma or a mild irritation to compare the two data.

    Discuss the Limitations of this Article: Limited sample size, design flaws, and/ or author bias.
    While this articles study, and product did have positive initial feed back, its article does have multiple limitations. Its sample size gathered is very small and can not represent a bigger population with those who have ileostomy, and colostomy, which would need to have a larger population over a course of time to get better data for their reports. It also had a flaw, where its data was based on patients subjective reporting which puts a limit on its application, and does not allow a more concise data to be retrieved.

    Claire Napuli - 4 north
