Wound Ostomy Department - Providence St Joseph Medical Center

Monday, May 31, 2021

 May 2021 Wound and Ostomy Journal

Pressure Injuries Due to Personal Protective Equipment in COVID-19 Critical Care Units

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Pressure Injuries Due to Personal Protective Equipment in COVID-19 Critical Care Units

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  1. 1. Discuss the sample size used in the study.

    The study enrolled 266 nurses working in COVID-19 ICUs and high-
    dependency units throughout Italy.

    2. Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws, and/or author bias.

    Limitations include: a) the sample isn't completely representative of the entire populatin of nurses working in COVID-19 ICUs for the results to be generalized b) the differences of type, brand, and availability of PPE used may have affected the external validity of the study, and c) since the staging of the DRPIs were self-determined by the nurses, there is a possibility of self-selection bias.

  2. Describe the method used by author of the study

    -Authors performed descriptive study using short on line survey. On line questionnaires included both anonymized demographic data of respondents and complications related to wearing PPE.The questionnaires were designed to be completed easily and quickly.

    How does this research article compare to our practice, policy and procedure?

    -PSJMC provided an Info-Gram regarding Caregiver PPE skin protection to help prevent facial injuries due to PPE. Two products were recommended based on NPIAP guidelines. The use of Use of Sure Prep to create transparent waterproof barrier to skin to prevent excessive moisture and friction. The use of Optifoam Thin but only for surgical mask, safety glasses and face shield. NPIAP does not recommend use of thin prophylactic dressing under N95 due to critical uncertainty whether practice will increase risk of Covid 19 infection. Also NPIAP recommends reducing duration of pressure by removing mask from face 15 minutes every 2 hours outside patient's room or lift mask by the sides for 5 minutes every 2 hours

  3. The study performed was a self reported survey of 266 ICU nurses throughout Italy with an average age of 36 years.

    Thus it is limited by the fact that it is self reported; in which case levels of discomfort and ability to accurately assess pressure injuries is limiting. Demographics are limited in age (the average US nurse is 51 years vs 36 years) as well as the population limited to Italians.

    However, it does give insight that PPE related injuries have had a negative effect on nurses. This is something that hospitals need to consider and educate on preventative measures for their staff. PSJMC has provided information to it's nurses on how to prevent this; though it would be interesting to see how compliance with this has helped in prevention of pressure injuries and/or pain.

  4. Discuss the sample size used in the study?
    The sample size of the study was a composed from a short online survey, with 266 ICU nurses working in ICU's and High-Dependency Covid units, throughout Italy.

    Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws, and/or author bias
    Covid affected not just Italian RN's, so the population limited the study itself. Since everything was self reported, and based on Age, the validity of the study would be inaccurate, as it was self reported, and could in fact be a bias for those reporting. I feel that since it was reported via an online survey, why not include multiple nurses from all over since the world is now connected via internet.
    Marc Dacalos, 4N

  5. The sample size in this study consisted of 266 ICU and high-dependancy Covid nurses throughout Italy who answered an online survey; the median age of these nurses was 36 years old. The limitations of this study are that this only involved nurses from Italy. There is also the fact that the equipment are not have been standardized between these nurses, with different brands, designs, and sizes of PPE utilized, which could affect outcomes. In addition, the article states that some of the nurses used protective dressings before placing PPE while some did not, which further makes the study less standardized, limiting results.

  6. Describe the method used by the author of the study
    1). The authors utilized a descriptive analysis for this study. They created a questionnaire that was to gather data from 266 ICU RNs throughout Italy during the height of the pandemic.

    Was the correct method used? Why or why not?
    2). The questionnaire provided data regarding demographics, PPE used and DRPIs acquired. I feel that this was the best method used, because while this was limited to only Italian ICU RNs, the information garnered from this study can be extrapolated to a wider population. Most ICU nurses, all over the world, were wearing N95 or KN95 masks and face shields for extended periods during this time.

  7. Discuss the sample size used in the study.

    The sample size of this study included an online survey from 266 ICU nurses working in COVID-19 ICUs and high-dependency units in 9 regions throughout Italy.

    Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws, and/or author bias

    A limitation of this study is that the sample size is not completely representative of the entire population of nurses working with COVID-19 patients. There are also differences in the type, brand, and availability of PPE that might affect the study's results.

    -Maitrang Tran, 4North

  8. Discuss the sample size of this study.
    The sample size of the study consist of 266 ICU nurses, that were gathered by the used of an online survey, with the criteria being they worked in COVID-19 ICUs, and High-dependency units within 9 regions of Italy.

    Discuss the limitations of the study.
    Covid-19 was a global pandemic, so by gathering data only on 9 specific regions in Italy doe snot completely represent a population of nurses. Due to a shortage of supplies also, there were always differences in types of PPE, and availability that affected the studies results.

    Zhuoran(Nancy) Gong

  9. Discuss the sample Size of this Study
    The data gathered for this study, was done across 9 specific regions in Italy. All Participants were gathered via Internet Survey and had a criteria of working in Covid 19 ICU's and High Dependency Units. In total 266 ICU nurses, and their responses were done via Online Survey.

    Discuss the limitations of the Study.
    This study was limited, due to its sample being based in 9 Specific Regions in Italy. As we know Covid affected the entire world, and was a global pandemic. If Internet Surveys were used to gather data, then more information's from Various ICU's could have been gathered throughout the world to get more data. Therefore limiting its data, and not have more concrete evidence based results.

    Claire Napuli, 4 North
