Wound Ostomy Department - Providence St Joseph Medical Center

Thursday, February 29, 2024

February 2024 Wound and Ostomy Journal


Article Title:
A Qualitative Study on How Younger Women Experience Living with an Ostomy
Published: April 2023

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A Qualitative Study on How Younger Women Experience Living with an Ostomy

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  1. 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the article recommendations on your unit and/or hospital?

    The advantage of the article is that we can incorporate the recommended interventions when taking care of patients with an ostomy. The author emphasized the importance of nurses’ attention, support, knowledge, and skills related to stoma care and the importance of self-image and social relationships in living with an ostomy. Oftentimes inpatient care focuses more on ostomy care and underestimates the importance of the patient’s self-image of living with an ostomy. Living with a permanent ostomy brings severe changes in patient’s lives. The general health status and personal, social, and professional lives of patients can be significantly affected after ostomy placement. Patients after ostomy surgery expressed feelings of uncertainty and anxiety derived from the disease and the ostomy itself, and these negative emotions can remain for quite some time after surgery. When taking care of patients with ostomy, we should utilize open communication and encourage the patient to express their feelings and concerns.

    2. Describe the method used by the author of the study.
    The author used a qualitative research study. Qualitative research gathers participants’ experiences, perceptions, and behavior. It involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data to understand concepts, opinions, and experiences. Some of the common qualitative research methods include observation, interviews, focus groups, surveys, and secondary research.

  2. Bethany Sobesto
    -Describe the method used by the author of the study
    This research project was a qualitative study. Four women in Norway, between the age of 20 and 35 years old, were interviewed for a total of six interviews. These interviews were done via zoom due to Covid 19 restrictions and they were transcribed. The interviewees body language, laughter, and sounds were also put into the transcriptions. The interviews were semi-structured and had four steps.
    -Discuss the research question or main problem discussed in the study?
    The question is "How do younger women experience intimacy, sexuality, and everyday life living with a stoma." The purpose of the study was to get a deeper understanding of what it was like for the women to be different and live with an ostomy. The interviews enabled the authors to get information about how the women felt about challenges like leaking, stigmatisation by the general public, poor fitting appliances, sexual experiences, self image, as well as information about how the women's lives improved because of less pain and less frequently needing to use the bathroom.

  3. Discuss the sample size used in the study.
    The study included four participants from Norway. The participants were between the ages of 20 and 35 years old. The participants had different starting points; some of them had a permanent stoma, and others had it only for a period.
    Discuss the limitations of the article.
    The study sample was very small, including only four participants. There were only six interviews to come up with a conclusion, the participants situations all varied so the interview answers could vary depending on how long the participants had the stoma.

  4. Discuss the research question or main problem discussed in the study?

    Ostomy patients face physical and psychological challenges.The study is to investigate how younger women experience living with a stoma and what healthcare personnel can do to provide support and security .The participants who received treatment at smaller hospitals received little or no follow up from ostomy nurse and some participants stated that information regarding intimacy and sexuality was rarely shared by healthcare personnel.

    Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws, and/or author bias

    This study only included four women between 22-35 years of age having different types of stomas both colostomy and ileostomy living in.Two secretaries sent email to former patients who met criteria inclusion via e mail inquiry. There was difficulty in recruiting relevant candidates as ostomy patients constitute a small group and access to recruit participants in larger regional hospitals were rejected.

  5. Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws and/or author bias?

    The study may have provided limited data because it included only four participants and total of six interviews were conducted. it also has few in-depth data. One of the author has worked with ostomy users and might have influenced the content of the interview guide.

    Describe the method used by the author of the study?

    The study used a descriptive and explorative qualitative approach to investigate how younger women experience living with ostomy. Individual in-depth interviews were conducted. The interview guide questionnaires includes topics such as coping with everyday life, work, social network, diet, self-image, intimacy, sexuality and follow-up with healthcare personnel. The authors used a text condensation method based on the individual experiences the participants conveyed through the interviews.

  6. Discuss the limitation of the articles.
    The study had limited data because it only had four women between the ages 20-30' years of age. Interviews were done on videos, the patients had different types of stomas, colostomies and ileostomies, some had permanent and some for short period of time.

    Describe the method used by the author of the study.
    The method used in this study was explorative and investigating how young women deal and live with ostomy. They conducted interviews that included topics as coping with, work, social, self image, intimacy, and fallow up with healthcare. Patients experiences were collected.

  7. Describe the method used by the author of the study

    This is a qualitative study. It involves collecting and analyzing data to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It can be used to gather in-depth insights into a problem or generate new ideas for research. Four younger women ages 20 to 35 living with an Ostomy were included in this study. Individual in-depth interviews were conducted. Topics such as coping with everyday life, work, social network, diet, self-image, intimacy, sexuality and follow-up by healthcare personnel were asked.

    Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws, and/or author bias

    The sample size is small. This study included only four participants and a total of six interviews were conducted. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, instead of traditional one on one interview, interviews were conducted via online video calls using Zoom. One of the authors has experienced working in a gastro-surgery department as well as working with ostomy users in home care nursing. This might have influenced the content of the interview guide.

  8. Article 2- A Qualitative Study on How Younger Women Experience Living with an Ostomy.

    Q5- Discuss the research question or main problem discussed in the study

    Very interesting qualitative study exploring how an ostomy affects younger women were divided into three themes: (1) the importance of follow-up and information for healthcare personnel, (2) Illness experience and freedom in everyday life, (3) Self-image and social relationships. The authors found supportive environment is needed for acceptance, security is knowledge especially stoma care and diet, living to larger cities and hospitals meant more thorough follow-up and rural areas found insufficient knowledge of adequate ostomy equipment/ social isolation, some topics were challenging for patients to talk about and they felt embarrassed to talk (sexuality). The qualitative design of the study captured direct quotes that spoke volumes.

    Q7- Discuss the limitations of the article: limited size, design flaws, and/or author bias.

    This study based its findings on 4 participants but conducted a total of 6 in-depth interviews with each of the participants which could be argued that the sample size was too small to draw conclusions. On the other hand, qualitative interviews and interpretation for themes is challenging. The authors identified that the purpose of was to gain a deeper understanding which may be interrupted as this was all that they could recruit and therefore they justified the number by stating “in-depth interviews”. Another limitation may have been there narrow inclusion criteria of “women aged 20-35 years” recruited from a single local hospital which was not identified as a limitation by the authors. From my experience, majority of patients that are having some kind of colon surgery today can have intestinal anastomosis, the surgeon reconnects healthy sections of the bowel after removing a diseased part. Ostomies, colostomy and ileostomy seem to occur at much less rate than in prior years. Additionally, the authors tried to gain access to recruit from a larger regional hospital but were rejected.

  9. Discuss the research question or main problem discussed in the study?

    The study investigated the experiences of younger women living with an ostomy using a qualitative, descriptive, and explorative approach. The researchers conducted individual in-depth interviews with four women, aged between 20 and 35, who had various types of stomas. The study aimed to understand their experiences and how healthcare personnel can better support them. Furthermore, the study also emphasized that thorough preparation before surgery and adequate follow-up by ostomy nurses are crucial for the well-being of younger women with a stoma.

    Describe the method used by the author of the study?

    Participants were selected based on criteria like age, type of stoma, and location in Norway. The data collection involved six interviews conducted via Zoom, which were recorded and transcribed for analysis. The interviews covered topics such as coping with everyday life, social relationships, self-image, and healthcare follow-up. The analysis identifying themes like the importance of follow-up by healthcare professionals, the impact of illness on freedom in everyday life, and the influence on self-image and social relationships. The analysis process involved repeated reading of the transcripts, coding, and identifying key themes, which provided insights into the participants’ experiences and challenges.

  10. Describe the method used by the author of the study

    The method used by the author of this study was that of six interviews that were conducted between February and June 2021 by a female, skilled master’s student in nursing, practicing nurse working in home based nursing. There were four women in the study, two of which who were going through a change in their stoma. These interviews were done over Zoom and disgitally recorded due to covid 19 restrictions. The questions consisted of coping with everyday life, work, sexuality, to name a few.

    Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws, and/or author bias

    The limit of this article was the sample size. It included only four participants and held a total of six interviews. This does not give enough data. More research will need to be gathered to further test some of the hypotheses.

  11. Describe the method used by the author of the study?

    The method used by the author of the study is a qualitative research approach with a descriptive and explorative design. The study is qualitative, focusing on understanding the experiences of younger women living with a stoma. A descriptive and explorative approach was used to deeply investigate and describe the participants' experiences. The study included women aged 20-35 years, living in Norway, with either a colostomy or ileostomy. Six interviews were conducted between February and June 2021 by a female master’s student in nursing, who also had professional experience in home-based nursing. A semi-structured interview guide was used, covering topics like coping with everyday life, work, social networks, diet, self-image, intimacy, sexuality, and healthcare follow-up. The analysis followed Malterud’s text condensation method. Both authors participated in the analysis, engaging in a back-and-forth process to refine their reflections and ensure transparency.

    Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws and/ or author bias

    The study in question has several potential limitations, particularly concerning its limited sample size, possible design flaws, and the risk of author bias. The study involved only six interviews with four participants, a small and highly specific sample size that limits the generalizability of the findings. Such a small group may not capture the full spectrum of experiences among younger women living with a stoma, leading to a narrow view of the issue. The authors mentioned difficulties in recruiting participants due to the small and specific nature of the patient group. This limitation in participant diversity might mean that the findings are not representative of all younger women with stomas. With only six interviews, it is possible that data saturation was not reached. Without reaching saturation, the study might miss out on important themes or variations in experiences. The interviews were conducted by a single researcher, which introduces consistency but also raises the possibility that the researcher's style, demeanor, or even unconscious biases might have influenced participants' responses. The lack of triangulation (using multiple data sources or investigators) could also weaken the robustness of the findings. The study did not return the transcripts or findings to the participants for verification or feedback. This step, known as member checking, helps ensure that the researcher has accurately captured the participants' experiences and interpretations. Without this, there’s a risk of misinterpretation or misunderstanding of the participants' views. The researcher conducting the interviews was a practicing nurse and had received training in qualitative methods. While this background could contribute to a deeper understanding of the subject, it might also introduce bias. The researcher's preconceptions, professional background, and personal experiences could influence how the data was collected, interpreted, and presented.

  12. Describe the method used by the author of the study?
    The method of study is gear to younger woman who had stoma fitted. It is gear on younger woman between the age of 20-35 who have a stoma or ileostomy who live in Norway. The interview is gear on 3 main themes:
    1. The importance of follow-up and information from healthcare personnel
    2. Experience with illness and freedom in everyday life
    3. Self-image and social relationships
    The purpose of this study is to investigate how younger woman experience living with the ostomy to determine the patient perspective what healthcare personnel can do to help ensure that this patient group feels cared for.

    Discuss the research question or main problem discussed in the study?
    The research questions from the interview focus on topics such as coping with everyday life, work, social network, diet, self-image, intimacy, sexuality and follow-up by healthcare personnel. During the process of the interviews, the key words and comments were noted to provide a basis for reflection during the analysis process, as well as to gain an overall impression as close to reality as possible.

    1. continuation of method used by the author of the study.
      Each individual that was chosen for the study will be interview in depth with research questions. Individual in-depth interviews are suitable when it comes to topics that can be perceived as sensitive and private. This study employed the COREQ checklist.

      Discuss the research question or main problem discussed in the study?
      Towards the end of the interview a summary was gathered in regards of the participants experiences with the interviews and if they would like to add anything. The participants had different starting points; some of them had a permanent stoma, and others had it only for a period. All participants' underlying causes were individual.

  13. Discuss the sample size used in the study.

    I found the title to this article fascinating. I was intrigued knowing that the article was about young women with ostomies. But alas, I was surprised learning that the sample size of the study was only four women and were only aged between 20 and 35 years old. The strict limits resulted in a small sample size. A brief explanation was provided as to how this small group of four was acquired but perhaps a larger group would be optimal. Is four a viable number for a successful study? Unfortunately, the authors were faced with limitations in accessing data via hospitals in order to gain additional recipients; and also faced with restrictions of COVID-19. But as a reader, I can’t help but think that a more laxed set of criteria would have captured more participants in this study.

    Discuss the limitations of the article.

    The sample size is the most obvious limitation of the study. The age range perhaps could’ve been expanded to include additional participants and therefore yielded the addition of more women. I can’t help but think that an older population may have captured women with disease processes that required ostomies. In addition, another limitation for this article is the method in which the qualitative data was collected. Online interviews were required because during the time this data was collected, COVID-19 forced Zoom interviews. People communicate differently in alternative settings, specifically comparing Zoom meetings versus in-person interviews. The information relayed may have been collected differently if the interviews were face to face.

  14. Discuss the research question or main problem discussed in the study?

    The research question or main problem discussed in the study is "How do younger women experience intimacy, sexuality, and everyday life living with a stoma?" The data was collected from interviewing 4 participants aged 20-35 years, who had colostomies or ileostomies. According to the data gathered, their experiences were highly influenced by the availability of a Healthcare personnel for follow-up and source of information such as questions about sexuality. Having someone knowledgeable about ostomy care gave them a feeling of security and support. It also made a big difference in their life experiences of having a stoma , if they were given time to prepare and be informed about what to expect after having an ostomy, this allowed them to be more confident in themselves, in having to care for it. However, some of the participants faced ignorance and stigma from people, mainly due to lack of information about illnesses and ostomies. These incidents can affect their self confidence and self image.

    what are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the article recommendations on your unit and/or hospital?

    I believe that if information regarding having a stoma and ostomy care is provided to patients prior to surgery and after surgery follow-up is done, patients will be more confident in themselves and would likely adhere to learning more. If ostomy care teaching can be more broadened and include areas such as person's sexuality, intercourse, fertility more often and or as standard of care, less patients with ostomies will experience inadequacy, and less informed which will lead to patients feeling more secure and confident. Also, if follow-up care by an ostomy nurse after hospitalization, it will lead to fewer complications and re-admissions. On the other hand, these practices could increase length of stay in the hospital to accommodate learning time of patients and families and availability of healthcare personnel. More so, it will entail increased cost to hire and train more ostomy nurse specialists to provide care and teaching in hospital and after care in home setting.

  15. 1. Discuss the limitations of the article.

    The biggest limitation of this article is the small sample size. This article only had 4 participants from which to gather their data. 6 interviews were done, 2 of the women were interviewed twice because they were going through a change with their stoma. In the data collection section, the author mentioned these interviews had to be conducted via Zoom in the context of the pandemic. I believe this is also a limitation because on such a personal topic like stomas, I think face-to-face interaction between the participant and the researchers would allow them to be more comfortable and possible open up more about their experiences.

    2. Describe the method used by the author of the study.

    The researchers used a qualitative design when approaching their question of how younger women experience intimacy, sexuality, and everyday life living with a stoma. I think this method is appropriate given the small sample size and the approach of using the narratives of these women as the focus of this article. In the materials and methods section, the author mentions that an interview-style approach to this subject works well to topics that are looked at as sensitive and private.

  16. Research Question: the purpose of this study is to explore how younger women experience everyday life after an ostomy and to map what healthcare personnel can do to ensure that the patient group can feel safe and looked after. The researchers chose to focus specifically on discussions of fertility and sexuality and how a stoma affected the lives of the participants in these areas. The researchers narrowed their focus to women between 20 and 35 years as they noted that within these years, most women go through changes, both mentally and physically, regarding fertility, pregnancy and having children.

    Methods: this study utilized qualitative methods through individual in depth interviews with four young women who had a stoma fitted. Two participants were interviewed twice due to a change with their stoma. A question guide concerned topics such as coping with every day life, work, social network, diet, self-image, intimacy, sexuality and follow-up by healthcare personnel.

  17. 1. Discuss the research question or main problem discussed in the study?
    The purpose of the study was to explore how younger women experience everyday life after an ostomy and to ensure that the patient group can feel safe and looked after. This qualitative study included four younger women who had a stoma fitted. Individual in-depth interviews were conducted, and two participants were interviewed twice. The findings resulted in the importance of follow-up and information from healthcare personnel, experience with illness and freedom in everyday life and most importantly, self-image and social relationships. We found that time to prepare before surgery and learning to live with the stoma provide a good basis for handling the new everyday life with a stoma.

    2.what are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the article recommendations on your unit and/or hospital?
    In light of the results obtained, living with a stoma is a highly individualized experience that is based on age, starting point, experiences with other people and follow-up by healthcare personnel. An ostomy can present challenges, such as leakage and pain, and provides a visible confirmation of being different, which for some can be difficult to accept. At the same time, we suggest that having parts of a bowel removed can be experienced as relief, especially when the disease has previously contributed to poor self-image and social isolation. Greater acceptance in society may have an impact on the sexuality and cohabitation of people with a stoma, which may make it less intimidating to go on a date as the focus is shifted away from the fear of rejection due to the stoma.

  18. Discuss the research question or main problem discussed in the study?

    The research question of this study was how younger women experience intimacy, sexuality, and everyday life while living with a stoma. Previous studies had shown the challenges as well as positive outcomes from patients living with a stoma due to inflammatory bowel disease or cancer, but not many discussed the aspect of intimacy & sexuality. The researchers understood that within their selected age group (20-35) women undergo many physical and mental changes and wanted to better understand how living with a stoma can affect these patients specifically in terms of fertility and sexuality.

    Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws, and/or author bias.
    The limitations this qualitative study would be that the sample size only consisted of four females between 20-35 years of age with only six interviews that were conducted; two of which were follow-up interviews with only two of the individuals. Thus, although the interviewers were able to get a more in-depth understanding of these womens' experiences it cannot necessarily apply to a broader population. Secondly, the interviewers were two secretaries who have experience working in a gastro-surgical center and alongside ostomy nurses, which may have contributed to some bias on how these participants where interviewed despite going in with structured interview questions.

  19. 1]. Describe the method used by the author of the study
    The method used in this study involved a qualitative research approach focusing in-depth in interviewing four young women who had undergone ostomy surgery. The interviews were conducted to gain a deep understanding of their personal experiences and perspectives regarding life after ostomy surgery. It also included the importance of follow up and information form the nursing staff
    2}. What are the advantages and disadvantages to the proposed recommendations in the article?
    The study is recommending to provide support to ostomy patients, specially in younger women. The recommendations include providing more systematic and individualized follow-up by ostomy nurses .One advantage for an individualized follow up will provide patient support which will help them adapt to their new ostomy and prevent any complications . The individualized follow up sounds promising but it will require more time and will demand more resources from the nursing staff . The Disadvantage will put strain on the healthcare budget.

  20. 1. Discuss the Sample size used in this study
    The sample size is four women with ostomies in Norway aged between 20-35 with either a colostomy or ileostomy. The sample size is extremely small with only a six video visits conducted. The authors attempted to gain access to recruit from a bigger regional hospital but the request was rejected. The authors focused on this age group as this is a time of change in life mentally and physically with fertility, sexuality and a stoma.

    2. Discuss the research question or main problem discussed in the study
    The authors address how younger women experience intimacy, sexuality, and everyday life living with a stoma. They also address how healthcare personnel ensure that this group feels cared for. The authors note that an ostomy can present challenges and provides visible confirmation of being different which may be difficult for some. The most interesting takeaway was a participant wanting to show off her ostomy in a bikini.

  21. 1. Describe the method used by the author of the study

    This study employed a qualitative, descriptive, and explorative design to examine how younger women experience living with a stoma. Individual in-depth interviews were used to gather detailed insights, as this method is particularly appropriate for sensitive and personal topics. The study followed the COREQ checklist

    2. Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws, and/or author bias

    Some limitations of this study includes small patient population, recruitment barriers and lack of lack of demographic information. Ostomy patients are a relatively small and specific group, making it difficult to find participants who meet the inclusion criteria. The study only included 4 participants with a total of 6 interviews which may impact the generalizability of the findings. The study also encountered difficulties in recruiting participants from a larger regional hospital, which could have provided a broader sample. To maintain participants' anonymity, details about their educational backgrounds, occupations, and number of children were not disclosed. This lack of demographic information may limit the ability to understand how these factors might influence their experiences with a stoma.

    Mai Tran, 4N

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. 1) Describe the method used by the author of the study:
      This research adopts a qualitative design, employing both descriptive and exploratory methods to examine the experiences of younger women living with a stoma. To address the research question, individual in-depth interviews were carried out. These interviews are particularly effective for exploring sensitive and personal topics .
      2) Discuss the sample size used in this study:
      The sample size in the study you described is relatively small. Specifically, four women participated in the interviews, with two of them being interviewed twice. Four participants is the sample size for a qualitative study. Two participants were interviewed twice.

  22. 1.) Describe the method used by the author of the study.
    The method used in this study was qualitative by description, exploration, and investigation of women living with stoma. It is highly individualized, an interview with perceived sensitive and private topics among female participants. The study followed the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) checklist.

    2.) Discuss the limitations of the article.
    There are two limitations evident during this study. First, the participants only consisted of only four and a total of six interviews. This is a limitation due to the sample size may restrict the purpose and limited data may be obtained. Secondly, the Covid 19 pandemic restrictions in person to person interview plays a huge factor because it is done via video calls only, therefore assessment may be affected.

  23. 1. Discuss the research question or main problem discussed in the study?
    The central research question of the study investigates how younger women navigate their daily lives following ostomy surgery, with a particular focus on their experiences of intimacy, sexuality, and the level of support they receive from healthcare providers. This inquiry is essential as it aims to uncover the distinct challenges these women face, especially during a formative period in their lives, and to identify strategies that healthcare professionals can implement to foster a sense of safety and care

    2. Discuss the sample size used in the study
    The study's sample comprised four younger women who had received ostomy surgeries, and the researchers conducted in-depth interviews to gather comprehensive insights into their experiences. Notably, two of the participants were interviewed on two separate occasions to capture changes over time. While the small sample size limits generalizability, it allows for a deep qualitative understanding of the participants’ perspectives. The analysis revealed three main themes: the critical role of follow-up and information provided by healthcare personnel, the relationship between illness experiences and newfound freedom in everyday activities, and the effects on self-image and social interactions. These findings emphasize the necessity for personalized care and the significant impact that ostomy nurses can have in addressing both the emotional and practical challenges associated with living with a stoma.

  24. Discuss the research question or main problem discussed in the study?
    This study aimed to explore how younger women navigate intimacy, sexuality, and daily life while managing a stoma. While earlier research highlighted the challenges and benefits experienced by individuals with a stoma due to inflammatory bowel disease or cancer, there has been limited focus on intimacy and sexuality. The researchers recognized that women aged 20 to 35 face significant physical and emotional transitions and sought to gain insights into how having a stoma impacts their experiences, particularly regarding fertility and sexual relationships.
    Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws, and/or author bias.
    This qualitative study faced several limitations, primarily due to its small sample size, which included only four women aged 20 to 35, and a total of just six interviews—two of which were follow-ups with only two participants. While this allowed for a deeper exploration of the women's experiences, the findings may not be generalizable to a larger population. Additionally, the interviewers, who were secretaries with backgrounds in a gastro-surgical center and experience with ostomy nurses, might have introduced bias into the interviewing process, even though they followed a structured set of questions.

  25. Sonya Mikaelian

    1. Discuss the sample size used in the study.

    The sample size for this study was quite small with only four women participating. The study's inclusion criteria were women between the ages of 20 and 35 years who had either a colostomy or ileostomy. The participants were recruited from the database of two different centers. None of the women contacted refused to participate and also, none dropped out of the study before it was concluded. Four women participated, two of whom were interviewed twice.

    2. Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws, and/or author bias.

    There were not many limitations to this study since the study itself was relatively small and limited. The main and most obvious limitation was the sample size. With only four participants, there was not a wide variety of quantity of participants, therefore the results of the study will be limited. Also, the COVID-19 pandemic allowed for interviews to be done in an online format which would slightly alter the information gathering process. Lastly, the participants who were interviewed had their stomas for varying amounts of time. For example, some of them had permanent stomas while other had them for a short while. This may be a limiting or variable factor in this study.

  26. 1. How does this research article compare to our practice, policy and/or procedure?
    This article gives good insight of what patients are going through and what we can implement during our work day. As a nurse, we get younger patients as well as older patients that are active and working but need a temporary stoma or sometimes permanent. Better providing instructions and care to prepare them for this life change is important so they don’t feel like they are just thrown into something. Giving them tips on how to properly car for stomas and ways to dress, especially as a young woman, as this article describes can change the patient morale and bring positivity.

    2. The sample size used in this study were young woman that had different types of stomas. The criteria needed for the study were women from the ages between 20 to 35. This study was conducted in Norway.


  27. 1) Describe the method used by the author of the study.

    The study used a qualitative design, using a descriptive and explorative approach, to investigate how younger women experience living with a stoma due to having Crohn's disease or Ulcerative colitis. Four women were used in the study, and two were interviewed twice. The women were between the ages of 20 and 30, living in Norway, and having different types of stomas, both colostomy and ileostomy. Two secretaries recruited the participants via e-mail inquiry. None of the women used in the study drooped out during the study. The researchers tried to recruit women from a larger Regional Hospital but were declined. The study employed the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) checklist. The interviews were conducted via online video calls using Zoom and were digitally recorded due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    2) Discuss the research question or main problem discussed in the study.

    This study aims to investigate how younger women experience living with an ostomy and examine, from a patient perspective, what healthcare personnel can do to help ensure the patient group feels cared for and how these women experience intimacy and sexuality in everyday life living with the stoma.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Valerie Dressman

    1. How does this research article compare to our practice, policy and/or procedure?
    Working in an adult ICU, the patient population can include younger women, including those with an colostomy or ileostomy. This article is about the results of a study that explored the experiences and feelings of women with an ostomy. By reading about the study and the thoughts of women with ostomies, it shows the importance to be aware of their feelings and maintain dignity.

    2. Describe the method used by the author of the study.
    The article outlines a qualitative study where the author interviewed four women with ostomies. Two of the women were interviewed twice, the second time to follow up after a change with their stoma. The interviewer questioned the women about coping with areas of everyday life. The analysis of the data was a four step process including impression, identifying themes, sorting the material, and summary.

  30. 1.Discuss the sample size used in the study.

    The sample comprised four women in Norway, aged 20 to 35, each with either a colostomy or ileostomy. The small sample size is notable, with only six video visits conducted. The authors sought to recruit participants from a larger regional hospital, but their request was declined. They focused on this age group because it marks a critical time of mental and physical transition, especially related to fertility, sexuality, and the experience of living with a stoma.

    2.Discuss the limitations of the article: limited size, design flaws, and/or author bias.

    This study was based on four participants, each of whom underwent six in-depth interviews. While this approach provided rich qualitative insights, the small sample size raises concerns about the ability to draw broader conclusions. The authors aimed to achieve a deeper understanding, justifying the limited number of participants by emphasizing the value of "in-depth interviews." However, this small sample may indicate recruitment challenges rather than a robust study design.
    Another limitation is the narrow inclusion criteria, which focused exclusively on women aged 20 to 35 years from a single local hospital—a point not addressed by the authors. From my experience, many patients undergoing colon surgery today often receive intestinal anastomosis, where healthy bowel sections are reconnected after the removal of diseased parts. Ostomies, such as colostomies and ileostomies, seem to occur less frequently than in the past. Furthermore, the authors attempted to recruit participants from a larger regional hospital but faced rejection.

  31. Petra F.

    1. Describe the research method used by the author of the study.
    The study utilized a qualitative research method, specifically an in-depth interviews, to gather rich, detailed insights from participants relating to their feelings, personal experiences, and the impact of follow-up care. This approach allowed the researchers to explore the personal experiences of four younger women who had undergone ostomy surgery. Individual interviews were conducted with two of the participants interviewed twice.

    2. Discuss the sample size used in the study.
    The study utilized a small sample size of four participants. This is typical for qualitative research that aims to gain in-depth insights into personal experiences. This limited number allows for detailed exploration of each individual’s narrative, enabling the researcher to capture nuanced perspectives and emotional responses related to living with a stoma.

  32. Petra B. Frey

    1. Describe the research method used by the author of the study.
    The study utilized a qualitative research method, specifically an in-depth interviews, to gather rich, detailed insights from participants relating to their feelings, personal experiences, and the impact of follow-up care. This approach allowed the researchers to explore the personal experiences of four younger women who had undergone ostomy surgery. Individual interviews were conducted with two of the participants interviewed twice.

    2. Discuss the sample size used in the study.
    The study utilized a small sample size of four participants. This is typical for qualitative research that aims to gain in-depth insights into personal experiences. This limited number allows for detailed exploration of each individual’s narrative, enabling the researcher to capture nuanced perspectives and emotional responses related to living with a stoma.

  33. Discuss the sample size used in the study:

    The study was very small consisting of 4 patients. They conducted 6 interviews, 2 patients being interviewed twice because they had to have revisions of their ostomy. This seems like a very small study to obtain meaningful results, however the theme of this article is to promote personalized education to each individual ostomy patient. As the article outlines, there is a lot of hesitation and apprehension to talk about ostomies, especially among younger people. This makes it more difficult to find willing participants that would be comfortable having a long recorded interview with a stranger.

    Discuss the research question or main problem discussed in the study?
    There seems to be two main problems. The first is patients not being properly educated or prepared for the significant social and psychological changes associated with a new ostomy at a young age. This coincides with the second problem which is a lack of knowledge among the nursing community, specifically related to the psycho/social aspects of having an ostomy. Also patients reported having a lack of nurses with general knowledge about stomas, when they lived in rural areas away from large cities. The overall theme of these issues is that patients feel unprepared for life with a stoma when they need it a young age. There are specific problems associated to only younger populations and more specifically females, that need to be addressed in an individualized manner.

  34. 1. Discuss the sample size used in the study.
    The sample size of the study included four women, all living in Norway. The ages ranged from 20 to 35, with some of the participants having a colostomy and others, and ileostomy. Although this is a small sample size, the main goal of this study was to provide in depth qualitative research on these participants with stomas. Due to the small sample size though, this can limit the true diversity and experiences most might go through while living with these stomas.

    2. What are the advantages and disadvantages to the proposed recommendations in the article?
    Through the in-depth assessment and interviews, this study makes many recommendations based on the data they collected to better understand and improve the life of younger women living with a stoma. While these recommendations do offer many advantages, there are some disadvantages that may arise. Some of the advantages include creating an environment where open communication is more likely to occur because the patient feels safe and open to share, being able to share their concerns and be better understood by healthcare professionals. Another advantage is that this allows for more personalized care and more opportunities for further and more effective education. Some disadvantages of these more personalized approaches includes more time, resources and education for all medical professionals providing the care, due to the challenges that diversity can pose.

  35. What are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the article recommendations on your unit and/or hospital?
    The article highlights the benefits of integrating the suggested interventions into the care of patients with an ostomy. The author underscores the vital role of nurses in providing attention, support, knowledge, and skills in stoma care, as well as addressing the impact of self-image and social relationships on patients' lives. Inpatient care often prioritizes technical ostomy management while overlooking the significance of the patient's self-perception. Adjusting to a permanent ostomy can lead to profound changes in a patient's life, affecting their overall health and personal, social, and professional circumstances. Many patients experience feelings of uncertainty and anxiety related to both their condition and the ostomy, which can persist long after surgery. Therefore, when caring for ostomy patients, it's essential to foster open communication and encourage them to share their feelings and concerns.

    Describe the method used by the author of the study.
    The author conducted a qualitative research study, which focuses on gathering participants' experiences, perceptions, and behaviors. This approach involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data to gain insights into concepts, opinions, and experiences. Common methods used in qualitative research include observation, interviews, focus groups, surveys, and secondary research.

    Elisha Faralan

  36. 1. Describe the method used by the author of the study.

    In the qualitative study exploring the experiences of younger women living with an ostomy, the methodology involved several key components:

    Study Design:
    Qualitative Approach: The study adopted a qualitative design to gain in-depth insights into the personal experiences of younger women post-ostomy.
    Sample Size: The study included four younger women who had undergone ostomy surgery. This small, focused sample allowed for a detailed exploration of individual experiences.
    Data Collection:
    In-Depth Interviews: Individual interviews were conducted to gather rich, qualitative data. Two participants were interviewed twice, providing an opportunity to explore their experiences more thoroughly and to capture changes in their perceptions over time.
    Themes Identification:
    Thematic Analysis: The interviews were analyzed to identify recurring themes. Three main themes emerged:
    The importance of follow-up and information from healthcare personnel.
    Experience with illness and freedom in everyday life.
    Self-image and social relationships.
    Patient-Centered Insights: The findings emphasized the importance of tailored follow-up care and information, the role of preparation before surgery, and the impact of having an ostomy on self-image and social interactions.
    Implications for Healthcare: The study concluded that effective support from ostomy nurses and personalized information is crucial for helping patients adjust to life with a stoma, ultimately improving their quality of life and sense of security.
    Overall, this qualitative method provided valuable insights into the lived experiences of younger women with ostomies, highlighting areas for improvement in healthcare support and patient education.

    2. Discuss the sample size used in the study.

    In the study exploring younger women’s experiences after ostomy surgery, the sample size consisted of four participants. While the small sample size of four younger women limits generalizability, it allows for a detailed exploration of their unique experiences. The insights gained can inform more personalized and effective support strategies from healthcare providers, particularly ostomy nurses, to better address the needs of similar patients.

  37. 1) Discuss the sample size used in the study.

    The sample size used in the study was small, four young women, ages 13-25. The participants presented from different socioeconomic backgrounds, while residing in the same country. The difference between rural and urban areas, and the care that followed, gave useful data to the care available for the participants.

    2) Discuss the research question or main problem discussed in the study.

    The research question discussed was the importance of a person having appropriate information regarding their care, and the necessity of access to follow up care. The article rereferring to the fear of the unknown, misinformation, or no information having a negative impact on the participants. Appropriate follow up care providing not only instruction on care, but improved appliances, with decreased leakage. The idea is conveyed of the importance of wound ostomy nurses for proper patient education and support.
