Wound Ostomy Department - Providence St Joseph Medical Center

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

 May 2023 Wound and Ostomy Journal

Determination of Nurses’ Knowledge Levels on Skin Tears: A Cross-sectional Study

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  1. What are the advantages to the proposed recommendations in the article?

    The result of the study showed that nurses who participated have insufficient knowledge on skin tears. The authors recommended that nurses receive trainings on skin tear and encourage nurses to participate in seminars and symposiums.The authors also suggested that health facilities regularly evaluate nurse's knowledge and educational needs to improve practices on preventing and treating skin tears. Decrease in skin tear knowledge will lead to decrease in quality of patient care and use of appropriate intervention. Proper management in the presence of skin tears such as assessment documentation and appropriate dressings are important to prevent further trauma,infection, pain and suffering of patients.

    What are the advantages of implementing the article recommendation on your unit/ hospital?

    A lot of our patient populations are older adults and elderly from nursing facilities who are prone for skin injuries such as skin tears. Aside from aging, their impaired cognition and nutrition and underlying conditions make them high risk for skin injury. It is important that nurses practice comprehensive risk and patient assessment, fall and trauma prevention, accurate diagnosis and wound specific care and treatment. Assessing the knowledge of nurses and providing educational needs regarding skin tear risk, assessment and treatment improve nursing practice and quality of patient care.

  2. 1. Describe the method used by the author of the study

    This is a cross-sectional study include 346 nurses working in acute care hospitals. All participants completed web- or paper-based surveys in September and October 2021. The authors used the Strengthening the Report of Observational Studies in Epidemiology checklist guidelines for reporting observational studies. The survey used is the Skin Tear Knowledge Assessment Instruction, which consists of 20 questions across six domains, to assess nurses’ knowledge on skin tear assessment and treatment.

    2. Discuss the sample size used in the study.
    The sample size used in the study consisted of nurses working in Turley. The author used the number of nurses cited in the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, Yearbook at a reference. A total of 384 participated in the study. Nurses included in the study were acute care nurses with at least one year of experience.

  3. 1)discuss the sample size used in the study
    the population of the study consisted of nurses working in Turkey in acute care hospitals who completed web or paper based surveys in sept/oct 2021. there were 384 participants with at least 1yr experience and all agreeable to participate in the study.
    2) what are the advantages/disadvantages to the proposed recommendations in the article?
    ST knowledge, prevention, and management is sorely lacking in our practice. having a required education module for ST would be of great benefit to our entire nursing staff. it would be also beneficial to develop a nursing ST treatment policy and also to have available more detailed ST charting option in EPIC.

  4. 1. Describe the method used by the author of the study
    The author performed the observational studies with cross-sectional method. The authors used the STROBE (Strengthening the Report of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) checklist guidelines to assess nurses’ knowledges regarding skin tear. The research has also gathered demographic information from the participants. The survey gathered data through both paper-based and web-based method. The authors used SPSS statistics for windows version 28.0 for statistical analysis.

    2. Discuss the sample size used in the study.
    The research started with 433 nurse participants who are referred form Turkey ministry of health, Health Statistics yearbook. Since 174 nurses were not able to complete the survey in the end, authors analyzed the data from 346 nurses in September and October in 2021 who completed. They are consisted of nurses in turkey who had at least 1 year of nurse experiences in acute care health care settings.

  5. 1. What are the advantages to the proposed recommendations in the article?
    In this article, the author states "the most important factor on the path from novice to expert is experience." And with the experience one gains knowledge. The author states that there is no formal training for skin tears in Turkey for nurses. Therefore, recommendations are for nurses to receive training via "scientific activities" and to further have their knowledge evaluated. This knowledge and awareness will likely create a decrease in the occurrence of skin tear events.
    2. Discuss the limitations of the article.
    Although the authors chose to use a cross sectional study of nurses for this case, it appears as if this may have led to limitations in the study. The study occurred during times of COVID when access to the participants was voluntary and dependent upon the nurses choice to submit the surveys. It also does not take into account that nurses responding to the surveys may have been influenced or received help from co-workers. It appears that the data gathered was a "hodgepodge" of in-person direct observation and an online submission response. A bit chaotic.

  6. Discuss the sample size used in the study.
    the sample size of this study was 346 nurses (80.6% of whom were women) who worked in the acute care hospitals within the country of Turkey.

    Describe the method used by the author of the study
    The method used in this study is a cross-sectional study that used approximately 346 nurses. They were able to gain insight through both web or paper based surveys in a two month period back in 2021. they were able to complete their study based on 20 different questions answered by the nurses.

  7. Describe the method used by the author of the study
    This study was a cross sectional study that included 346 nurses who worked in acute care hospitals for at least one year in Turkey. Data was collected in from September 2021 through October 2021. Participants had the option of completing an on-line web based survey or a paper-based survey, which also included a face to face interview to prevent participants from influencing each other.

    Was the correct method used?
    This cross sectional study was a quick snapshot view of nurses who worked in an acute care hospital in Turkey. A two part survey was used, the first capturing 11 characteristics of the participants such as age, sex, years of experience, unit worked in and any training in skin tears. The second part each were twenty multiple choice questions pertaining to domains of skin tear etiology, classification and observation, risk assessment, prevention, treatment and special treatment groups. The overall outcome was that the nurse knowledge on skin tears was low based on this method to gather data. I don’t really think that the characteristics gathered really mattered and there is no way to really know if the participants are honest in their responses.
    Another option may be to do a longitudinal study with nurses in the acute care hospital setting in the United States which starts off with an educational in-service that includes skin tear etiology, classification and observation, risk assessment, prevention, treatment and special treatment groups. After a time frame of 6 months or 1 year the nurses could be tested to see how much of the information they retained and if the work experience was conducive to their retention.

    Responses by Eileen Laureano

  8. 1. Discuss the sample size used in the study.
    The study utilized a sample size of 346 nurses working in acute care hospitals in Turkey who participated in web-based or paper-based surveys during September and October 2021. This sample size is moderately large and can potentially provide a representative snapshot of the nursing population within the acute care hospital context in Turkey during the specified time frame.
    2. Describe the method used by the author of the study
    The study was conducted using a cross-sectional research design to explore nurses' knowledge about skin tears. Taking place in Turkish acute care hospitals during September and October 2021, the research involved a sample of 346 nurses who were conveniently selected. Data collection employed web-based or paper-based surveys containing the Skin Tear Knowledge Assessment Instrument, comprising 20 questions distributed across six domains. This approach aimed to evaluate nurses' comprehension of skin tears and their expertise within the context of acute care hospitals.

  9. Method:

    This is a cross-sectional study utilizing the STROBE checklist guidelines for reporting on observational studies. Researchers used a two-part form for data collection, the first created by the researchers containing 11 questions pertaining to the participants demographic characteristics and the second was the OASES (Skin Tear Knowledge Assessment Instrument), which consisted of a total of 20 items across six domains including etiology, classification and observation, risk assessment, prevention, treatment, and special patient groups. The questions were multiple choice with only one correct answer. A mixed-mode survey (web and paper based) was offered considering the COVID-19 pandemic. Data was collected between Sept and Oct 2021 via survey links shared via email, and social media platforms. The web-based survey was not provided to those who completed the paper-based survey and the web-based survey prohibited participants from responding multiple times ensuring each participant filled out the questionnaire only once.

    Sample size:

    Four hundred thirty-three nurses working for at least one year in Turkey participated in the study however 87 of those did not complete both parts of the forms to their completion (28 nurses did not fill out part 2 and 59 nurses filled it out incorrectly) resulting in analyzed responses from a total of 346 nurses. Those who completed the paper-based survey worked in a 1,607-bed city hospital.

  10. Discuss the sample size used in the study.
    - it included 346 nurses working in acute care hospitals in turkey who completed web or paper based surveys in september and october 2021.

    Describe the method used by the author of the study
    -This cross-sectional study included 346 nurses working in acute care hospitals in Turkey who completed web-or paper-based surveys in September and October 2021.

  11. 1.What are the advantages of implementing the article recommendation on your unit/ hospital?

    Most of our patient are older adults and the majority come from SNF which are prone to skin breakdown such as skin tears. Different factors such as impaired cognition, fragile skin, poor nutrition and underlying conditions make them high risk for skin injury. It is important that nurses practice comprehensive risk and patient assessment, fall and trauma prevention, accurate diagnosis and wound specific care and treatment. Assessing the knowledge of nurses and providing educational needs regarding skin tear risk, assessment and treatment improve nursing practice and quality of patient care.

    2. Describe the method used by the author of the study

    The method used in this study is a cross-sectional study that used approximately 346 nurses. They were able to gain insight through both web or paper based surveys in a two month period back in 2021. The study was completed based on 20 questions that were answer by nurses in which give a chance to assess their knowledge on skin tears.


  12. David k
    How does this research article compare to our practice, policy and/or procedure?
    To my knowledge we urgently do not have any definitive policy or protocol to care for skin tears (ST). When we encounter skin tears on the unit we rely on the wound care team to assess and make recommendations for treatment. We also do not have educational resources on prevention of STs
    what are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the article recommendations on your unit and/or hospital?
    As the article points out, skin tears can effect patient care and negatively impact our patients. The article shows that most nurses of all educational backgrounds have little knowledge related to skin tears, yet they are a very common occurrence in all patient care settings. Nurses would definitely gain knowledge from education and training on this topic. The only disadvantage would be cost of education however it could be argued that this cost would be offset by the reduction in cost from treatments related to STs.

  13. 1.describe the method used by the author of the study
    The author used a cross sectional study. The skin tear knowledge assessment instrument was used which consists of 20 questions across 6 domains to assess nurses knowledge of skin tears.

    2.discuss the sample size used in the study.
    The study included 346 nurses working in acute care hospitals in turkey who completed web or paper based surveys. The nurses needed to be employed for at least 1 year & willing to participate.
    -alexandria ordonez



    Describe the method used by the author of the study
    The method used was a cross sectional study further utilizing observational studies that encompassed a checklist guidelines for reporting.

    Discuss the sample size used in the study
    The sample size took a number of nurses 227,202 and determined from that number nurses who had been employed as a nurse for at least 1 year. Ultimately the sample size consisted of 384 nurse in this study.
    -Valarie Renaux RN, ICU-

  15. Discuss the sample size used in the study:

    This was a cross-sectional study conducted to determine nurses’ knowledge levels on skin tears (ST). This study included 346 nurses who were working in acute care hospitals in Turkey. The authors calculated the required sample size of the study by using the Raosoft online program. The nurses’ included in this study had to be employed as a nurse for at least one year and they had to agree to participate. Within the participating nurses, 80.6% were women, and 73.7% of the women had an undergraduate degree. There was no mention of the male nurses involved in this study, nor their education level. The mean age of the nurses’ involved in this study was 33.67 years old. The nurses completed either web based or paper-based surveys in September and October 2021. Researchers used the Skin Tear Knowledge Assessment Instrument. It contains 20 questions across six domains in order to assess the nurses’ level of ST knowledge.

    Advantages / Disadvantages of implementation of article recommendation:

    As the article stated, ST’s negatively impact the patient, the healthcare system, and increase care costs. Most importantly, however, is the effect that they have on the patient. If ST’s are not managed correctly and swiftly, they can become lingering and lead to complex wounds thus decreasing the patient’s quality of life. I am not surprised that the research found that the nurses had a low level of knowledge regarding the etiology, classification, risk assessment, prevention, and treatment of ST’s. I believe that nurses are overwhelmed with the complexities of patient care and that they unwittingly overlook the skin care assessment. Also, I believe that ST training at most facilities is not at the forefront of refresher training. Unfortunately, I recently caused a ST on one of my patients while removing defibrillating patches after the case. I felt horrible about it, and I now make it a point to be much more careful when taking off these patches.

  16. 1. Describe the method used by the author of the study

    This is a cross-sectional study include 346 nurses working in acute care hospitals. All participants completed web- or paper-based surveys in September and October 2021. The authors used the Strengthening the Report of Observational Studies in Epidemiology checklist guidelines for reporting observational studies. The survey used is the Skin Tear Knowledge Assessment Instruction, which consists of 20 questions across six domains, to assess nurses’ knowledge on skin tear assessment and treatment.

    2.What are the advantages of implementing the article recommendation on your unit/ hospital?

    Most of our patient are older adults and the majority come from SNF which are prone to skin breakdown such as skin tears. Different factors such as impaired cognition, fragile skin, poor nutrition and underlying conditions make them high risk for skin injury. It is important that nurses practice comprehensive risk and patient assessment, fall and trauma prevention, accurate diagnosis and wound specific care and treatment. Assessing the knowledge of nurses and providing educational needs regarding skin tear risk, assessment and treatment improve nursing practice and quality of patient care.

  17. 1. Describe the method used by the author of the study
    The method used by the author includes 346 nurses working in an acute care hospitals in Turkey who completed web or paper based surveys in September and October 2021.Researchers used the Skin Tear Knowledge Assessment Instrument, which consists of 20 questions across six domains,to assess nurses level of ST Knowledge.

    2. What are the advantages of implementing the article recommendation on your unit/ hospital?
    Most of our pts are elderly and would be beneficial to all health care workers about the classification ,risk assessement,prevention and treatment in basic nursing education,in service training and certificate program to increase nurses knowldege for early prevention and early implementation.Skin tears are significant problem for patients .Lackof knowldege can cause pain ,impact quality of life and could become chronic and infected .Delay intervention could cause the pt at risk associated with dependence in daily life activities

  18. 1) Describe the method used by the author of the study
    The method used was a cross sectional study that used STROBE guidelines for observational studies.

    2) Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws, and/or author bias

    I believe there are multiple limitations to this article - first being the small sample size (n=346), it was a survey rather than a skills or test based on skin tear competency - thus not enough information was known about what the survey tested on, the sample consisted of nurses based in Turkey - and it was stated in the article that skin tears are not included in the Nursing National Core Education in Turkey or the Stoma and Wound Care Certification Program, and lastly there are not skin tear protocols in clinics. This is not applicable in the US as wound and skin care is part of the Medicaid and Medicare quality program.

  19. Describe the method used by the author of the study:

    The method consisted of a two-part questionnaire that nurses must fill out, the first part 11 questions pertaining to participants' demographic information, and the second part 20 questions containing the OASES, or the Skin Tear Knowledge and Assessment Instrument. The second portion used multiple choice questions with only one correct answer. The researchers used a mixed mode study where respondents could answer questions via the web or on paper.

    Discuss the limitations of the study: limited sample size, design flaws and/or author bias:

    One limitation of the study is that the sample size was limited to only 346 nurses in Turkey compared to the 227,202 nurses in the Republic of Turkey's Ministry of Health statistics yearbook in 2019. Also, only respondents who were willing to answer were used in the study as opposed to a random sampling of nurses in the country.
    Another limitation is that the education regarding skin tears is not included in the curriculum of the Nursing National Core Education program in Turkey, in facility in-service training programs, nor in the wound care certification program, therefore contributing to a generally larger knowledge deficit of the nurses in the study compared to those in countries who do include such education.
    The timing of the study was an additional limitation as it occurred during the COVID pandemic where face-to-face interviews and answering of questionnaires was very limited.

  20. Discuss the sample size in the study.

    The study consisted of 346 nurses working in acute care hospitals in turkey for at least a year who agreed to participate in the study. Between September 2021 to October 2021, the participating nurses were asked to complete a 20-question survey which used to the Skin Tear Knowledge Assessment Instrument to assess their skin tear knowledge.

    Discuss the limitations of the article.

    As mentioned in the article, the study was performed during the COVID pandemic, so the number of nurses of was limited, as well as, face-to-face interviews. Without in-person interviews and preventing interactions between the participating nurses, it makes it difficult to prevent bias and observe objectively.

  21. 1. Describe the sample size used in the study.

    The sample used a sample size of 346 nurses working in acute care hospitals in Turkey that completed web/ paper-based surveys in September and October 2021.

    2. Describe the method used by the author of the study.

    The method used in the study was a cross-sectional study of 346 nurses that responded to online or paper surveys. Researchers used the Skin Tear Knowledge Assessment Instrument that consisted of 20 questions across 6 domains to assess nurses’ level of skin tear knowledge.

  22. 1. How does this research article compare to our practice, policy and/or procedure? This study highlights the need for more education on skin tear classification, risk assessment, prevention, and treatment amongst nurses. Working in an adult ICU, the risk for skin tears is high and this study shows that nurses might need more education in this area.
    2. Discuss the limitation of the article.
    The main limitation of the article is that the study was done during the COVID-19 pandemic. So the amount of interviews were limited to people who could be contacted and who volunteered.

  23. Describe the method used by the author of the study

    This cross-sectional study included 346 nurses working in acute care hospitals in Turkey who completed web or paper-based surveys in September and October 2021. Researchers used the Skin Tear Knowledge Assessment Instrument, which consists of 20 questions across six domains, to assess nurses’ level of ST knowledge.

    Discuss the sample size used in the study.

    To determine the study sample, the authors used the number of nurses (N=227,202) cited in the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, Health Statistics Yearbook 2019 a reference. The author calculated the required sample size of the study to be 384 participants, using specific software. The nurses were included in the study if they had been employed as a nurse for at least 1 year and if they agreed to participate.

  24. Discuss the sample size used in the study.

    Per the article, the sample size used included 346 nurses working in acute care hospitals in Turkey who completed internet and paper surveys in September and October of 2021.

    Describe the method used by the author of the study.

    The method used by the author of the study was a cross-sectional study in which nurses responded to online as well as paper surveys which utilized The Skin Tear Knowledge Assessment Instrument, consisting of 20 questions across six domains to assess nurses' level of skin tear knowledge.

  25. Describe the method used by the author of the study

    The method used in this study was cross-sectional. The data was collected between September and October 2021 via online survey.

    Discuss the sample size used in the study.

    The population studied were nurses working in Turkey, the sample size was 346 participants. 433 nurses participated in the study. 87 did not complete both forms, 28 did not fill out part 2 of the data and 59 nurses filled out part 2 incompletely. This left a total of 346 nurses that completed the survey entirely.

  26. 1. Describe the method used by the author of the study
    The method used for this study is the STROBE (Strengthening the Report of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) which is a checklist guideline to report observational studies. The method was a two-part form in order to collect proper data. The first part consisted of 11 questions pertaining to the participants demographic data such as (age, sex, education level, years of work experience, working unit, and whether they participated in ST training). The second part of the form was the OASES which was 20 items across the domains of etiology, classification and observation, risk assessment, prevention, treatment, and special patient groups. The data was collected between September and October and a survey link was shared through e-mail and other social media platforms.

    2. Discuss the sample size used in the study.
    The population that was studied for this survey was nurses who worked in Turkey. The sample size was 346 participants who were nurses. In order to partake in the study, nurses had to be employed as a nurse for at least 1 year and agreed to participate in the study.

  27. Describe the method used by the author of the study:
    It was a cross-sectional study. Researchers used the Skin Tear Knowledge Assessment Instrument, which consists of 20 questions across six domains, to assess nurses’ level of Skin Tear knowledge. Surveys were handed out and completed web or paper-based from September to October of 2021.

    Discuss the sample size used in the study.
    This study included 346 nurses working in acute care hospitals in Turkey. The mean age of the nurses was 33.67 years,80.6% were women, and 73.7% had an under graduate degree.

    1. 1. Describe the sample size used in the study.

      In this cross-sectional study, 346 nurses working in acute care hospitals in Turkey completed web- or paper-based questionnaires between September and October of this year.

      2. Discuss the sample size used in the study.

      The sample size used in this study is the Skin Tear Knowledge Assessment Instrument, which comprises 20 questions across six areas and is utilized by the researchers to measure nurses' ST knowledge.

  28. 1.Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws, and/or author bias

    the study was conducted during COVID-19 pandemic, during this time the reseachers had difficulty reaching a large number of participants through face-to-face interviews. Therefore, the results of this study were limited to the responses of the nurses who could be reached and voluntarily participated in the study.
    the data for the study was collected in 2 ways paper survey and online based survey, although to prevent nurses from influencing each other during paper-based survey completion, no intervention was done to prevent interaction between nurses who took the online based survey, and this can be a limitation or flaw of the study

    2.what are the advantages and disadvantages to the proposed recommendations in the article?

    I can only see advantages to the proposed recommendations in the article which is for nurses to receive training on ST and suggest that healthcare facilities regularly evaluate nurses knowledge and educational needs and test protocols to ensure optimal clinical practice.

  29. 1. Discuss the sample size used in the study.
    The sample size of the study were 346 nurses of various educational levels and years of experience in Turkey. 433 nurses initially participated in the study, but 87 did not complete the form or left items out, leaving the remaining 346 nurses.

    2. what are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the article recommendations on your unit and/or hospital?
    The article proposes that lack of education and training are the primary reasons that STs occur (though it is interesting that nurses with 5-10 years of experience answered the study questions more accurately than those of 20+ years). The advantages of continuing education and training are numerous: better quality of life for the patients, infection control and overall cost savings to the organization. I can't think of any disadvantages, other than training takes time and money - but the overall benefit greatly outweighs the cost.

  30. Discuss the sample size used in the study.

    The sample size of this study was RNs who used a survey type questionnaire to determine their knowledge levels of Skin Tears. It is a cross sectional study of 346 nurses who worked in acute care hospitals in Turkey. The questionnaire consist of 20 questions that had 6 different categories or domains.

    Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws, and/or author bias

    The limitations of this article was the survey itself to test the knowledge of skin tears. There is just a-lot of information to cover in just 20 questions and I feel this type of questionnaire doesn't necessarily reflect a nurses knowledge about skin tears in general. The results of the study reflected that the knowledge of skin tears was generally low so I do admit that more education about prevention would benefit this particular group.


  31. 1. Elaborate on the author’s research approach.
    In this cross-sectional investigation, a total of 346 nurses, all actively employed in acute care hospitals in Turkey, partook in the study by completing either web-based or paper surveys. This date collection occurred during the months of September and October in the year 2021. The researchers utilizied a comprehensive assessment tool known as the Skin Tear Knowledge Assessment Instrument, which comprises 20 questions distributed across six distinct domains. This instrument served as the means to evaluate the extent of skin tear knowledge possessed by the participating nurses.
    2. Examine the scale of the study’s participant pool.
    The authors opted to determine the size of their study sample by referencing the number of nurses recorded in the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health’s Health Statistic Yearbook 2019, which stood at a staggering 227,202 nurses. Subsequently, the authors employed specialized software to calculate the requisite sample size for their study, which amounted to 384 participants. Eligibility criteria for inclusion in the study stipulated that nurses had to possess a minimum of one year of nursing experience and willingly consent to participate in the research.

  32. Describe the method used by the author of the study.

    A Cross-Sectional Approach with Online Surveys were Conducted in September and October of 2021.
    Discuss the sample size used in the study.
    The study focused on nurses employed in Turkey, with a target sample size of 346 participants. A total of 433 nurses initially participated in the study. However, 87 participants did not complete both survey forms, 28 did not fill out part 2 of the data, and 59 nurses provided incomplete responses in part 2. As a result, the final sample consisted of 346 nurses who successfully completed the entire survey.

  33. Discuss the sample size used in the study.
    The sample size of this study consisted of 346 nurses working in acute care hospitals in Turkey. The average age of the nurses was 33 years old with 80.6% of them being women and 73.7% of them being men.

    Describe the method used by the author of the study:
    This study used a cross-sectional approach by providing the nurses in the study a 20 question Skin Tear Assessment Instrument to assess the nurses' level of skin tear knowledge.

  34. what are the advantages and disadvantages to the proposed recommendations in the article?

    The reccomendations in this article are to our nusers’ advantage. The more we are exposed to it the more we learn. Training is always the best way to educate people. The more we see, the more likely we will further our knowledge. The disadvantage this is that there are no current training programs. When we were hired, we had one day with a wound nurse to train. This is not enough. This article does state the problem that we already know exits.

    Discuss the sample size used in the study.

    The sample size was 384 participants, nurses who were employed for at least 1 year. In my opinion, one year is not enough experience for this type of study.

  35. 1. Discuss the sample size used in the study?
    The sample size included 346 nurses working in acute care hospitals in Turkey.
    2. Describe the Method?
    The method that was used by researchers included the Skin Tear Knowledge assessment instrument that consisted of 20 questions across six domains.

  36. 1. Discuss the sample size used in the study.
    The sample size of this study was RNs who used a survey type questionnaire to determine their knowledge levels of Skin Tears. It is a cross sectional study of 346 nurses who worked in acute care hospitals in Turkey. The questionnaire consist of 20 questions that had 6 different categories or domains.

    2. Discuss the research question or main problem discussed in the study?
    The study shows nurses’ level of knowledge of the etiology, classification, risk assessment, prevention, and treatment of skin tears was low. The authors recommend including more information about skin tears in basic nursing education, in-service training, and certificate programs to increase nurses in skin tears knowledge.
