Wound Ostomy Department - Providence St Joseph Medical Center

Friday, July 31, 2020

 July 2020 Wound and Ostomy Journal Club

Exploring individuals' perceptions of living with a stoma

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Exploring individuals' perceptions of living with a stoma

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  1. How does this research article compare to our practice, policy and/or procedure?
    In comparison to the practice and policies at PSJMC, this research article highlights the importance of the nurse's role in enhancing and improving the quality of life of individual's living with stomas. It is one of PSJMC's mission to provide excellence in the provision of care by striving to improve the health and quality of life within the individuals that we care for. In this research article, the study indicated that patients with new stomas felt greater support and acceptance when health professionals, most importantly a stoma nurse, were present in managing their care. Meanwhile, individuals were more likely to have a negative perspective towards their stoma(s) when there is lack of support by stoma nurses. At PSJMC, an inpatient wound/ostomy team is available for bedside consultations, discharge plans of care, and other wound or stoma -related services. These nurses provide patients and their families with the support and education needed regarding how to care for and manage their new ostomy. They develop and assist with plans of care to aid nurses in providing adequate and effective interventions in relation to their stomas. These interventions are important in facilitating positive patient outcomes and perspectives and thus, improves the quality of life within individuals living with stoma(s).

    Describe the method used by the author of the study.
    The research article utilized both a quantitative and a qualitative approach on exploring the viewpoint of patients living with stomas. The sample size utilized in the qualitative method of this research study was limited to 32 patients. This involved direct, in-person conversations with patients and other participants of the study. Some patients were interviewed in groups at a local hotel or a specially designed room within a research facility, while other individuals were interviewed independently in the comfort of their own homes. The allocated time between these patient interactions ranged from 1.5 to 2 hours at a time to enable detailed and dedicated conversations regarding their stomas. On the other hand, the quantitative method of the study included 257 respondents which utilized postal and online surveys and questionnaires. Only two of the questionnaires from this quantitative portion were left incomplete and were, therefore, excluded from the study.



  2. ARTICLE 2: Exploring individual's perceptions of living with a stoma

    1. What are the advantages and disadvantages to the proposed recommendations in the article?

    The article indicated that nurses are instrumental in enhancing an individual's quality of life after stoma formation as they provided valuable long term & short - term support. Patients having someone to express their concerns or share their anxieties wherein they built a trusting and collaborating relationship. It is therefore necessary for the nursing team to ensure that patients' /people's physical, social and psychological needs are assessed and addressed/met.

    2. Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws, and/or author bias

    The article acknowledged its limitation of the study due to its size. A sample size that is too small reduces the power of the study and increases the margin of error, which can render the study meaningless or less significant for conclusion.

  3. Stephanie Smith:
    How does our policy/procedures compare?
    The article talks about the importance of therapeutic communication between the nurse and the patient as they go through a difficult transition. In our hospital, we have dedicated stoma nurses that can educate, answer questions, and help the patient feel more at ease and get used to their new stoma. It can be a very difficult change to accept the change with their body and self esteem.
    the sample size is small in this article, which may affect the conclusions drawn. Bigger sample sizes are more reliable, and having more objective criteria rather than subjective, like interviewing patients or having them feel out surveys or questionnaires.

  4. Discuss the sample size used in the study.

    The qualitative part of the study consisted of two parts, with the first part mini discussion groups with a maximum of 6 participants per group, and the second part consisted of interviews with each individual. A total of 32 patients were used in this part of the research.
    The quantitative research consisted of a postal and online survey completed by 257 respondents, of which 149 were females and 106 males.

    Discuss the limitations of the article: limited sample size, design flaws, and/or author bias.

    One of the limitations of the study was already acknowledged by the author and that is the sample size. 32 patients were used in the qualitative part and 257 patients in the quantitative part, and it is not specified if there was any overlap of participants in both aspects. The number of patients interviewed and questioned are a very small subset of the total population of people living with an ostomy. Though patients from various locations in the UK were used, it also only represents the viewpoint of people living in the UK as opposed to worldwide, and there may be additional bias with respect to cultural mores and standards. Another issue with the sample size is that it included patients who only use that particular brand of ostomy supplies. Numerous other companies exist and patient opinions may differ due to the quality, variety, availability of the supplies, etc. There is also the issue that a statistically significant sample size may be impossible due to the fact that there may be many people who would never participate in a study due to the sensitive and for some embarrassing subject matter.
    Another limitation of the study concerns author bias due to the fact that it was carried out by an ostomy company, albeit in collaboration with independent researchers. The primary motive for a company is increased profit, and though customer satisfaction is part of that model, the set-up of the study may be biased favorably towards the company and its needs versus a truly independent study with no conflicts of interest and only in the interests of knowledge.

  5. Megan Kincaid RN 09-19-2020

    How does our policy/procedures compare? This article discusses how important good communication and therapeutic counseling helps patients with new stomas. At PSJMC we have great wound ostomy nurses that come and speak with/counsel patients with new ostomies, teach them how to assess them, how to take care of them and place the bags. Nurses are great at having patients take their time with "looking at their stomas." some patients need more time them others to grasp the idea and the fact that their bodies now look different and how would they be judged. We give great resources and groups for patients to connect with.

    Discuss the sample size of this article? This article discusses that the sample size used was very limited. Patients attitudes towards the stomas varied. 32 patients were interviewed, varying from short term and long term stomas in the UK

  6. Exploring individuals' perceptions of living with a stoma
    Describe the method used by the author of the study
    In, Exploring the patient viewpoint, the method used in the study by the author was both qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research can be done for educational purposes and relies on non-numerical data. It helps the interviewer understand what influences and choices a person makes through observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The qualitative study was done in two sections. First, a mini group of six people, that allowed a two hours conversation of detailed conversation. Second, was a 1 ½ hour conversation held in the participant’s home. It allowed them to explore their feelings, attitudes, and experiences in a private situation. Quantitative research is the systemic investigation, therefore uses numbers. It allows the researchers to use higher sample sizes, collecting information quickly, using randomized samples, and can focus on facts or a series of information. The quantitative phase of the study consisted of a questionnaire and an online study, that was completed by 257 people. In doing the research study, the objective was to investigate peoples influences in making decisions regarding the choice of product.

    Was the correct method used? Why or why not?
    The author collaborated with independent researchers and used a combination of qualitative and quantitative research in exploring the patient’s viewpoint. The author was correct in using these different styles of research because each can be beneficial to the study. Qualitative and quantitative research are used in nursing as evidenced based practice (EBP). It allows the author to evaluate, and improve patient care, utilizing nursing interventions. Using this mixed-method research study provides the patient with the highest quality of care, while reducing costs. By using qualitative and quantitative research, it provides a comprehensive and complete understanding of the research dilemma, then just by using one approach. Where one study is weaker, another may be stronger, balancing the two. It provides a better understanding of the information that is gathered and explains how causal processes work.

  7. Was the correct method used? Why or why not?
    I found the study to have used an appropriate method for collecting data. The author used a combination of qualitative and quantitative research in exploring the patient’s perceptions of their stoma and the challenges that came with caring for it. By allowing people to answer questions online or by post in an anonymous way, it allowed respondents to be open and honest with their responses. It offered valuable insight from people who live with their stomas every day, and in a less clinical way.

    Discuss the sample size used in the study.
    The quantitative part of the study was completed by 257 postal/online respondents, with a range of stoma types, including ileostomy, colostomy and urostomy. In depth interviews were conducted with 32 patients for the qualitative part of the study, which the study acknowledges is a relatively small sample size.
